The API provides developers details on how to access the PostcodeSoftware web service.

Integrating PostcodeSoftware

The web service description can be found at the following location.


When creating the URL to connect to the web service there are three variables that need to be added to it. Examples of the URL are shown below with the parameters and explanations.  You can use the Account 'test' with password 'test 'to access the demonstration data including premise data and the Account 'test1' with password 'test1' to access the data to street level.  The demonstration data consists of 11 example postcodes in the LS18 region. 

Click here to setup a FREE 20 day full working trial account with full UK postcode data

Web service XML data

Premise Level


Street Level


Parameter Explanation
Account Account is where you will input your account name which is supplied to you when you first sign up.
Password Password is where you will input your password for the account which is supplied to you when you first sign up.
Postcode Postcode is the postcode that has been entered by the user

When the webservice has been called it will send back all the information in XML. The information is shown below. Please note the amount of address lines is variable.

Attributes Explanation
Address1 Street name of the postcode
Address2 Locality of the postcode or dependent street name if exists
Address3 Dependent locality of the postcode
Address4 Double dependent locality of the postcode
Town Town of the postcode
County County of the postcode
Postcode Postcode that has been searched
PremiseData All Premises under that postcode are returned in one string divided buy semicolons (;).Each premise is split up into Company Name, Building Details and Number. These are separated with vertical bars(|). If a department is present it will be seperated in the Organisation field with a <br> tag.

Premise column1: Organisation <br> Department
Premise column2: Building Details (separated by "/")
Premise column3: Number

Error Codes

Number Description
1 Account not active
2 No Credits Left
3 See error message
4 No data returned
5 Test accounts only
6 No postcode entered

Security information

Security information

ASP Example code

See links below for a working example in classic ASP

<title>ASP Example</title>
<link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body class="background" onload="document.address.postcode.focus()">
<p class="h2">ASP Example</p>
<form class="addresstable" name="address" method="post" action="asp_example.asp">
    If Request.Form("postcode") = "" Then ' Checks if Postcode has been entered
        Response.write("<span class='h3'>Postcode&nbsp; </span><input class='text' name='postcode' type='text'>")
        Response.write("&nbsp;<input class=""button"" id='Find' type='submit' value='Find'>")
        account =  "test" ' Insert your account name here
        password = "test" ' Insert your password here
        webServiceUrl = "https://ws1.postcodesoftware.co.uk/lookup.asmx/getAddress?account=" & account & "&password=" & password & "&postcode=" & Request.Form("postcode")    
        webServiceUrl = replace(webServiceUrl," ","") ' Removes spaces for the link
        Set httpReq = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") 
        httpReq.Open "GET", webServiceUrl, False 
        Set myXmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
        Set httpReq = Nothing 
        Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("ErrorMessage")
        Error = node.text
        If Error <> "" Then ' Check if there is a error
            Response.Write("<span class='text'>" & Error & "</span>")
        Response.write("<p></p><span class='h3'>Postcode&nbsp;</span> <input class='text' name='postcode' type='text'>")
        Response.write("&nbsp;<input class=""button"" id='Find' type='submit' value='Find'>")
            Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address1")
            Address1 = node.text
            If Not myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address2") is Nothing Then
                Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address2")
                Address2 = node.text
            End If
            If Not myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address3") is Nothing Then
                Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address3")
                Address3 = node.text
            End If
            If Not myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address4") is Nothing Then
                Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address4")
                Address4 = node.text
            End If
            Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Town")
            Town = node.text
            Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("County")
            County = node.text
            Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("PremiseData") 
            PremiseData = node.text
            Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Postcode") 
            Postcode = node.text
            Response.write("<table><tr><td class='h3'>Address</td>") 
            If PremiseData <> "" then
            Response.write(<td><select class='text' name='address' style='width:300px'>") ' Creates the select box for the information to go in
            strAryWords = Split(PremiseData , ";")
            For i = 0 to Ubound(strAryWords) 
                If strAryWords(i) <> "" then
                    Premise = Split(strAryWords(i), "|", 3) ' Splits up premise into company name, building details and number
                    If Premise(0) <> "" then Premise(0) = Premise(0) & ", "
                    If Premise(1) <> "" then Premise(1) = Replace(Premise(1), "/", ", ") & ", "
                    If Premise(2) <> "" then Premise(2) = Premise(2) & " "
                    Response.Write "<option>" & Premise(0) & Premise(1) & Premise(2) & Address1 & "</option>" ' Adds row to list box
                End If
            Response.write("<td></td><td><input class='textbox' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Address1 & "'></td></tr>")
            End If                                        
            If Address2 <> "" then
            Response.write("<tr><td></td><td><input class='textbox' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Address2 & "'></td></tr>")
            End If
            If Address3 <> "" then
                Response.write("<tr><td></td><td><input class='textbox' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Address3 & "'></td></tr>")
            End If
            If Address4 <> "" then
                Response.write("<tr><td></td><td><input class='textbox' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Address4 & "'></td></tr>")
            End If
            Response.write("<tr><td class='h3'>Town</td><td><input class='textbox' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Town & "'></td></tr>")
            Response.write("<tr><td class='h3'>County</td><td><input class='textbox' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & County & "'></td></tr>")
            Response.write("<tr><td class='h3'>Postcode</td><td><input class='textbox' name='postcode' style='width:250px' type='text' value='" & Postcode & "'>&nbsp;<input class=""button"" id='Find' type='submit' value='Find'></td></tr>")
        End If
    End If 
<div class="exampletable">
    <p class="h3">Example Postcodes</p>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AA</li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AB</li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AD </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AE </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AF </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SF </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SG </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SH </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SJ </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SL </li>

ASP & AJAX Example

See links below for a working example in ASP & AJAX

Source Code            Working Example 1         Working Example 2     



<title>ASP Ajax Example</title>
<link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> // Script for AJAX
    function xmlhttpPost(strURL) 
        var xmlHttpReq = false;
        var thisform = this;
        // Checks if browser is Mozilla or Safari
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest){thisform .xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();}
        // Checks if browser is Internet Explorer
        else if (window.ActiveXObject){thisform .xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}
        thisform .xmlHttpReq.open('POST', strURL, true);
        thisform .xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        thisform .xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() 
            if (thisform .xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {updatepage(thisform .xmlHttpReq.responseText);}
        thisform .xmlHttpReq.send(getquerystring());
    function getquerystring() 
        var postcode= document.getElementById('postcode').value;
        qstr = 'postcode=' + escape(postcode);  // NOTE: no '?' before querystring
        return qstr;
    function updatepage(str)
        document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = str;
<body class="background" onload="document.getElementById('postcode').focus()">
<p class="h2">ASP Ajax Example</p>
    <div class="addresstable" id="result">
        <span class="h3">Postcode&nbsp;</span> <input class="text" id="postcode" type="text">
        <input class="button" value="Find" type="submit" onclick='JavaScript:xmlhttpPost("result.asp")'>
<div class="exampletable">
    <p class="h3">Example Postcodes</p>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AA</li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AB</li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AD </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AE </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AF </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SF </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SG </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SH </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SJ </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SL </li>


ASP Page (result.asp)

    account =  "test" ' Insert your account name here
    password = "test" ' Insert your password here
    webServiceUrl = "https://ws1.postcodesoftware.co.uk/lookup.asmx/getAddress?account=" & account & "&password=" & password & "&postcode=" & Request.Form("postcode")    
    webServiceUrl = replace(webServiceUrl," ","") ' Removes spaces for the link
    Set httpReq = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") 
    httpReq.Open "GET", webServiceUrl, False 
    Set myXmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
    Set httpReq = Nothing 
    Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("ErrorMessage")
    Error = node.text
    If Error <> "" Then ' Check if there is a error
        Response.Write("<span class='text'>" & Error & "</span>")
        Response.write("<p></p><span class='h3'>Postcode&nbsp; </span><input class='text' name='postcode' type='text'>")
    Response.write("&nbsp;<input class='button' value='Find' type='submit' onclick='JavaScript:xmlhttpPost(""result.asp"")'>")
        Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address1")
        Address1 = node.text
        If Not myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address2") is Nothing Then
            Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address2")
            Address2 = node.text
        End If
        If Not myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address3") is Nothing Then
            Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address3")
            Address3 = node.text
        End If
        If Not myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address4") is Nothing Then
            Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Address4")
            Address4 = node.text
        End If
        Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Town")
        Town = node.text
        Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("County")
        County = node.text
        Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("PremiseData") 
        PremiseData = node.text
        Set node = myXmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("Postcode") 
        Postcode = node.text
        Response.write("<table><tr><td class='h3'>Address</td>") 
        If PremiseData <> "" then
        Response.write(<td><select class='text' name='address' style='width:300px'>") ' Creates the select box for the information to go in
        strAryWords = Split(PremiseData , ";")
        For i = 0 to Ubound(strAryWords) 
            If strAryWords(i) <> "" then
                Premise = Split(strAryWords(i), "|", 3) ' Splits up premise into company name, building details and number
                If Premise(0) <> "" then Premise(0) = Premise(0) & ", "
                If Premise(1) <> "" then Premise(1) = Replace(Premise(1), "/", ", ") & ", "
                If Premise(2) <> "" then Premise(2) = Premise(2) & " "
                Response.Write "<option>" & Premise(0) & Premise(1) & Premise(2) & Address1 & "</option>" ' Adds row to list box
            End If
        Response.write("<td></td><td><input class='textbox' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Address1 & "'></td></tr>")
        End If   
        If Address2 <> "" then
            Response.write("<tr><td></td><td><input class='text' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Address2 & "'></td></tr>")
        End If
        If Address3 <> "" then
            Response.write("<tr><td></td><td><input class='text' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Address3 & "'></td></tr>")
        End If
        If Address4 <> "" then
            Response.write("<tr><td></td><td><input class='text' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Address4 & "'></td></tr>")
        End If
        Response.write("<tr><td class='h3'>Town</td><td><input class='text' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & Town & "'></td></tr>")
        Response.write("<tr><td class='h3'>County</td><td><input class='text' style='width:300px' type='text' value='" & County & "'></td></tr>")
        Response.write("<tr><td class='h3'>Postcode</td><td><input class='text' style='width:250px' id='postcode' type='text' value='" & Postcode & "'>&nbsp;<input class='button' value='Find' type='submit' onclick='JavaScript:xmlhttpPost(""result.asp"")'></td></tr>")
    End If


See links below for a working example in PHP 5

Source Code              

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
<title>PHP 5 Example</title>
<link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body class="background" onload="document.address.postcode.focus()">
<p class="h2">PHP 5 Example</p>
<form class="addresstable" name="address" method="post" action="php_example.php">
if (isset($_POST['postcode']))
$account = "test"; // Insert your account name here
$password = "test"; // Insert your password here
$URL = "https://ws1.postcodesoftware.co.uk/lookup.asmx/getAddress?account=" . $account . "&password=" . $password . "&postcode=" . $_POST["postcode"];
$xml = simplexml_load_file(str_replace(' ','', $URL)); // Removes unnecessary spaces
If ($xml->ErrorNumber <> 0) // If an error has occured show message
print "<span class=\"text\">" . $xml->ErrorMessage . "</span>";
echo "<p><span class=\"h3\">Postcode&nbsp;</span> <input class=\"text\" name=\"postcode\" type=\"text\">\n";
echo "<input class=\"button\" id=\"Find\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Find\">\n";
print "<table>\n<tr>\n<td class=\"h3\">Address</td>\n";
if ($xml->PremiseData <> "")
$chunks = explode (";", $xml->PremiseData); // Splits up premise data
print "<td>\n<select class=\"text\" name=\"address\" style=\"width:300px\">\n";
foreach ($chunks as $v)
if ($v <> "")
list($organisation, $building , $number) = explode ('|', $v); // Splits premises into organisation, building and number
echo "<option>";
if ($organisation <> "")echo $organisation . ", ";
if ($building <> "")echo str_replace("/",", ",$building) . ", ";
if ($number <> "")echo $number . " ";
print $xml->Address1;
print "</option>\n";        
print "</select>\n</td>\n</tr>";
else {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td></td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Address1\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
If ($xml->Address2<> "") 
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td></td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Address2\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
If ($xml->Address3 <> "") 
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td></td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Address3\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
If ($xml->Address4 <> "") 
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td></td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Address4\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class=\"h3\">Town</td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Town\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class=\"h3\">County</td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->County\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class=\"h3\">Postcode</td><td><input class=\"text\" name=\"postcode\" style=\"width:250px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Postcode\">&nbsp;<input class=\"button\"  id=\"Find\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Find\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
else // If postcode has not been entered
echo "<span class=\"h3\">Postcode&nbsp;</span> <input class=\"text\" name=\"postcode\" type=\"text\">\n";
echo "<input class=\"button\" id=\"Find\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Find\">\n";
<div class="exampletable">
<p class="h3">Example Postcodes</p>
<li class="text">LS18 4AA</li>
<li class="text">LS18 4AB</li>
<li class="text">LS18 4AD </li>
<li class="text">LS18 4AE </li>
<li class="text">LS18 4AF </li>
<li class="text">LS18 5SF </li>
<li class="text">LS18 5SG </li>
<li class="text">LS18 5SH </li>
<li class="text">LS18 5SJ </li>
<li class="text">LS18 5SL </li>


See links below for a working example in PHP 5 & AJAX

Source Code              

HTML Page:

<title>PHP 5 Ajax Example</title>
<link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> // Script for AJAX
    function xmlhttpPost(strURL) 
        var xmlHttpReq = false;
        var thisform = this;
        // Checks if browser is Mozilla or Safari
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest){thisform .xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();}
        // Checks if browser is Internet Explorer
        else if (window.ActiveXObject){thisform .xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}
        thisform .xmlHttpReq.open('POST', strURL, true);
        thisform .xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        thisform .xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() 
            if (thisform .xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {updatepage(thisform .xmlHttpReq.responseText);}
        thisform .xmlHttpReq.send(getquerystring());
    function getquerystring() 
        var postcode= document.getElementById('postcode').value;
        qstr = 'postcode=' + escape(postcode);  // NOTE: no '?' before querystring
        return qstr;
    function updatepage(str)
        document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = str;
<body class="background" onload="document.getElementById('postcode').focus()">
<p class="h2">PHP 5 Ajax Example</p>
    <div class="addresstable" id="result">
        <span class="h3">Postcode&nbsp;</span> <input class="text" id="postcode" type="text">
        <input class="button" value="Find" type="submit" onclick='JavaScript:xmlhttpPost("result.php")'>
<div class="exampletable">
    <p class="h3">Example Postcodes</p>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AA</li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AB</li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AD </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AE </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 4AF </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SF </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SG </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SH </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SJ </li>
        <li class="text">LS18 5SL </li>

PHP page (result.php):

$account = "test"; // Insert your account name here
$password = "test"; // Insert your password here
$URL = "https://ws1.postcodesoftware.co.uk/lookup.asmx/getAddress?account=" . $account . "&password=" . $password . "&postcode=" . $_POST["postcode"];
$xml = simplexml_load_file(str_replace(' ','', $URL)); // Removes unnecessary spaces
If ($xml->ErrorNumber <> 0) // If an error has occured show message
print "<span class=\"text\">" . $xml->ErrorMessage . "</span>";
echo "<p><span class=\"h3\">Postcode&nbsp;</span> <input class=\"text\" name=\"postcode\" type=\"text\">\n";
echo "<input class=\"button\" value=\"Find\" type=\"submit\" onclick='JavaScript:xmlhttpPost(\"result.php\")'>\n";
print "<table>\n<tr>\n<td class=\"h3\">Address</td>\n";
if ($xml->PremiseData <> "")
$chunks = explode (";", $xml->PremiseData); // Splits up premise data
print "<td>\n<select class=\"text\" name=\"address\" style=\"width:300px\">\n";
foreach ($chunks as $v) // Adds premises to combo box
if ($v <> "")
list($organisation, $building , $number) = explode ('|', $v); // Splits premises into organisation, building and number
echo "<option>";
if ($organisation <> "")echo $organisation . ", ";
if ($building <> "")echo  str_replace("/",", ",$building) . ", ";
if ($number <> "")echo $number . " ";
print $xml->Address1;
print "</option>\n";        
print "</select>\n</td>\n</tr>";
else {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td></td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Address1\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
If ($xml->Address2<> "") 
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td></td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Address2\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
If ($xml->Address3 <> "") 
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td></td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Address3\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
If ($xml->Address4 <> "") 
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td></td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Address4\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class=\"h3\">Town</td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->Town\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class=\"h3\">County</td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:300px\" type=\"text\" value=\"$xml->County\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class=\"h3\">Postcode</td><td><input class=\"text\" style=\"width:250px\" id=\"postcode\" type=\"text\"  value=\"$xml->Postcode\">&nbsp;<input class=\"button\" value=\"Find\" type=\"submit\" onclick='JavaScript:xmlhttpPost(\"result.php\")'></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";    


See example code below for a working example in VB.NET

First add a web reference to your project for the following: https://ws1.postcodesoftware.co.uk/lookup.asmx

In the code below the web service has been named “PostcodeLookup”

Dim address_string As String = Nothing
Dim address_string2 As String = Nothing
Dim address_string3 As String = Nothing
Dim address_string4 As String = Nothing
Dim address_town As String = Nothing
Dim address_county As String = Nothing
Dim address_premisedata As String = Nothing
Dim lookup As New PostcodeLookup.Lookup()
Dim address As New PostcodeLookup.Address()
'replace "accountid", "password", "postcode"
address = lookup.getAddress("test", "test", "LS185NJ")
'Put address properties into variables
address_string = address.Address1
address_string2 = address.Address2
address_string3 = address.Address3
address_string4 = address.Address4
address_town = address.Town
address_county = address.County
'Put Premise into string variable (requires splitting)
address_premisedata = address.PremiseData


See example code below for a working example in C#

First add a web reference to your project for the following:


In the code below the web service has been named “PostcodeLookup”

string address_string = null;
string address_string2 = null;
string address_string3 = null;
string address_string4 = null;
string address_town = null;
string address_county = null;
string address_premisedata = null;
PostcodeLookup.Lookup lookup = new PostcodeLookup.Lookup();
PostcodeLookup.Address address = new PostcodeLookup.Address();
///replace "accountid", "password", "postcode"
address = lookup.getAddress("test", "test", "LS185NJ");
///Put address properties into variables
address_string = address.Address1;
address_string2 = address.Address2;
address_string3 = address.Address3;
address_string4 = address.Address4;
address_town = address.Town;
address_county = address.County;
///Put Premise into string variable (requires splitting)
address_premisedata = address.PremiseData;

Microsoft Access

Add reference

In order to use the Microsoft XML HTTP object model the following reference must be added

  1. Go to the Tools menu, select Macro, then select Visual Basic Editor.
  2. In the Visual Basic editor go to the Tools menu and select References.
  3. Scroll down the list and tick the option called Microsoft XML, v6.0 and click ok.
VB.6 Examples

Download code (ZIP)

The code below is used in the sample Access application and can be downloaded from the following links:

Street Level (Part PAF)        

Premise Level (Full PAF)     

Save the file to disk, unzip the file and double click on the PostcodeSoftwareExample.mdb file

Dim WebServiceRequest As String
Dim WebServiceResult As String
'replace account number and password
WebServiceRequest = "https://ws1.postcodesoftware.co.uk/lookup.asmx/getAddress?account=test1&password=test1&postcode=ls184nj"
'call web service
WebServiceResult = http_Resp(WebServiceRequest)
Dim i As Integer
Dim arr() As String
'create array from xml
arr = Split(WebServiceResult, vbCrLf)
If UBound(arr) <> 4 Then
    'loop through array
    For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
        If InStr(arr(i), "<Address1>") > 0 Then
            Address1 = Replace(Replace(arr(i), "<Address1>", ""), "</Address1>", "")
        End If
        If InStr(arr(i), "<Address2>") > 0 Then
            Address2 = Replace(Replace(arr(i), "<Address2>", ""), "</Address2>", "")
        End If
        If InStr(arr(i), "<Address3>") > 0 Then
            Address3 = Replace(Replace(arr(i), "<Address3>", ""), "</Address3>", "")
        End If
        If InStr(arr(i), "<Address4>") > 0 Then
            Address4 = Replace(Replace(arr(i), "<Address4>", ""), "</Address4>", "")
        End If
        If InStr(arr(i), "<Town>") > 0 Then
            AddressTown = Replace(Replace(arr(i), "<Town>", ""), "</Town>", "")
        End If
        If InStr(arr(i), "<County>") > 0 Then
            AddressCounty = Replace(Replace(arr(i), "<County>", ""), "</County>", "")
        End If
        If InStr(arr(i), "<Postcode>") > 0 Then
            AddressPostcode = Replace(Replace(arr(i), "<Postcode>", ""), "</Postcode>", "")
        End If
    'output error message
    ErrorMsg = Replace(Replace(arr(3), "<ErrorMessage>", ""), "</ErrorMessage>", "")
End If
'call web service function
Public Function http_Resp(ByVal sReq As String) As String
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
    Dim byteData() As Byte
    Dim XMLHTTP As Object
    Set XMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    XMLHTTP.Open "GET", sReq, False
    byteData = XMLHTTP.responseBody
    Set XMLHTTP = Nothing
    http_Resp = StrConv(byteData, vbUnicode)
    Exit Function
    MsgBox ("Error calling web service")
    Resume Exit_Sub
End Function

Plugins & Modules

This module integrates the Ubercart checkout
Click here to view details about this plugin
Ruby wrapper
Click here to view details about this plugin
Ruby Wrapper
Woo Themes
Click here to view details about this plugin
Woo Themes

Have you developed a module/plugin that integrates with PostcodeSoftware?

If you have created a module or plugin that integrates with our software, we would love to hear from you. We can share your plugin on this page and send out a tweet to let our follower's know!

The web service description can be found at the following location.


When creating the URL to connect to the web service there are three variables that need to be added to it. Examples of the URL are shown below with the parameters and explanations. You can use the Account 'test' with password 'test 'to access the demonstration data. The demonstration data consists of postcodes in the LS18 region. Examples can be found here.

Click here to setup a FREE 20 day full working trial account

Web service XML data



Parameter Explanation
Account Account is where you will input your account name which is supplied to you when you first sign up.
Password Password is where you will input your password for the account which is supplied to you when you first sign up.
Postcode Postcode is the postcode that has been entered by the user

When the webservice has been called it will send back all the information in XML. The information is shown below.

Attributes Explanation
Longitude Longitude of the postcode
Latitude Latitude of the postcode
Easting Easting of the postcode
Northing Northing of the postcode


Click on the following links below to download an example.

ASP  Click For ASP Download | Click For Working Example
PHP 5  Click For PHP 5 Download
Click here to see how the geocode lookup service can be used.